Posted by: Dearly Yours | August 6, 2018

Happy Birthday to Us

So, recalling the past in a positive way, brings me to a January post: 

“Our minds are like Teflon on the Good, but like Velcro on the BAD.”

We focus on the negative, worry about the future and fret about out past mistakes.  We hold on to negativity like Velcro holds a child’s foot in a shoe.  We enjoy the happy good events in our lives but we let those wonderful events slip away like bacon and eggs cooking in a Teflon frying pan.  We allow positivity to escape our memories.  Why is that, why do we enjoy negativity?  Well, heart rates increase, blood pressure rises when we gossip and look for imperfections, Listening audiences grow, engage us, when bad reports are shared.  Our popularity improves (or seems to)… 2 Timothy 4:3-4, call this  “itchy ears”, turning way from the truth.  Perhaps we are confusing these reactions  (rise in heart rate, blood pressure and attention) with positive feedback…it isn’t.  

Paul in Philippians 4:8, advises us to think about positive happy things (Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.)

Romans 8:28 advised us to look for the good (And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

2018 should be about learning to recognize the positive good things around us.

Was this a resolution for you?  What is the status of your other resolutions?

Hum…There is no time better that NOW to re-visit them and recommit.

See you soon,

Signed, Dearly Yours


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